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Astrology Across the Globe

My last entry was about Astronomy, this time I feel it is necessary to approach Astrology for similar reasons.


Astrology is the belief that astronomical events and phenomena somehow effect, events in the human world. You may consider this to be childish or naive, as how could something to do with a collection of burning gas giants thousands of light years away possibly effect life on earth, but astrology has been present throughout history in a variety of different epochs. Horroscopes still exist, no matter how ridiculous they might seem. 



The point is that the Ancient Romans believed that the stars were their gods, and that their actions did directly influence their every day lives. They determined the outcome of wars and offerings were made to them to ensure fruitful harvests.


Astrology today is an entirely different matter.

Now the stories have changed, heavenly bodies are just that, objects floating in space unfathomable distances away that have no effect on every day life, but some people still believe, or at least have a belief that there is something out there that is bigger than them and that their life means something rather than just being a series of random chance. 


The people that built stone henge believed it, the pyramids related to astronomical bodies, Ancient Greek and Roman Religions were founded in it, wherever there are gods, they have to reside somewhere and it to remain inexplicable this place must be somewhere inaccessible so why not the sky? Modern technology has ruined religion. No more is there the romantic view that upon the clouds are throngs of angels, plucking the strings of harps and silently observing earthly affairs. The premise doesn’t does not hold up well to the current potential for an angel to be sucked into the engine of a 747.


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